Can Tapering Off Alcohol Reduce Withdrawal Symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms are generally uncomfortable to deal with, but they can be fatal. To avoid or reduce the impact of the withdrawal symptoms, people struggling with alcohol may choose to progressively taper off alcohol rather than quit abruptly. An alcoholic can only safely reduce their alcohol consumption under medical supervision.

how to taper off alcohol safely

How to Wean Off Alcohol: Tapering Safely and on Schedule

This is why you can experience seizures and heart failure during alcohol withdrawal. It also can reduce the risk of relapse by not trying to attempt too much too soon, failing, and then going back to regularly using alcohol to cope with the feelings of failure. For one thing, it creates tangible goals for the person tapering to reach, helping to build their confidence in themselves and the belief that they can eventually stop drinking completely. Take the first step toward addiction treatment by contacting us today.

How to Stop Drinking: Making a Plan That Works for You

It’s common to have a difficult time when making big changes, but good self-care practices can help you manage overwhelming feelings and take care of your mind and body. Research shows that most people believe that drinking can make them feel better. However, when alcohol makes up part of your typical routine, drinking can become something of an automatic response, especially when you feel stressed or overwhelmed. Turner notes the importance of bringing along a trusted support person when attending events that involve alcohol. It’s often easier to turn down a drink when you don’t have to do it alone.

  • Instantly check if your insurance covers treatment at The Recovery Village.
  • Some people avoid medically supervised rehab because they prefer natural remedies for alcohol withdrawal.
  • What’s most important is looking at your drinking habits and finding a way to cut back that works for you.
  • People who want to reduce their alcohol consumption often do not realize how much of their social and daily routines alcohol has become.
  • Always consult a medical professional before starting any tapering schedule.

What Are The Dangers Of Stopping All At Once?

  • When those around you are in the know, it can help them know not to offer you drinks.
  • Smaller drinks with a higher percentage of alcohol are stronger than the same size drink containing a lower-proof liquor.
  • Weaning off alcohol reduces the chance of experiencing withdrawal or the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Exploring, in writing, what you find difficult and when you most want to drink can help you notice patterns that offer more insight into your alcohol use.
  • Tapering off alcohol is not the most beneficial option for everyone.
  • Having a plan can help you stay on track and it can keep you safe.

We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. Little data is available about the safety and effectiveness of alcohol tapers. In contrast, robust evidence supports quitting alcohol while under medical supervision. If you struggle with drinking, the safest way to quit is under a doctor’s care.

how to taper off alcohol safely

how to taper off alcohol safely

Avoiding the Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

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